'A Veneer of Shelter', 10/15/20. Man sleeping in the street. Mural of Santana by Mel Waters.
'Covid Rules', 10/20/20. San Francisco City Hall. Mural by Crayone.
'Beneath the Surface', 9/25/20. Socially distanced socializing in Alamo Square Park. Portrait on plywood by Wesley Cabral.
'You and Me Both', 9/25/20. Man chillin'. Wheatpaste on plywood by Ricky Rat.
'End of an Era', 10/19/20. The sun no longer shines brightly on SF and the lights are off. Street art by Monty Guy.
'Corner of Mission and 24th', 10/11/20. Man selling his wares. Detail of a memorial mural -in progress- by Mace
'Spring in Midwinter', 1/29/21. Girl chasing bubbles. Heart on plywood by Kate Tovah.